Friday, April 11, 2008

Mustache Haiku: Three Growers' Poetry

Duncan Riley:

darkened by Kool-Aid?
dirt stained - perhaps skin fungus?
um,,,,,,,, no............ my "mustache"

Carter Glass:

A few days later
I can still taste your nice sauce
When I lick my 'stache.

Do I tickle your
fancy, miss? Brushy sweet love
don't try to resist.

I sprout up, outward
from a waiting follicle.
Today I breathe free

You were on TV.
Magnum, Wilfred, Stacey Keach
I know you solved it.

Under the nostrils,
A strip of furry warmness,
sits over my lips.

Matt Lewis:

The orange blossoms sway
In the now empty courtyard
Mustache, mustache, 'stache

The crime is not that
I have a mustache but that
You reject my love

In the towering
Shadow of my hairy lip
The woman trembles

Teach the kids to write
But not write so well as to
Alarm the censors

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Awesome. My dog has a mustache. What do I have to do to get him in the next stache-a-thon? I'm so totally donating. You guys are rad.